Automatization of existing and development of new optimization tools

Automatization and digitalization tools can facilitate the optimization of advanced energy systems and will play an integral and irreplaceable part in critical advances in the energy field. This research line includes programming efforts to automate existing evaluation processes of energy systems and the development of new tools (including web-based tools) to support the wider availability of digital databases and analysis methodologies.

I am currently working on linking exergy-based analyses with the simulation software EbsilonProfessional (commercial software of thermodynamic cycles developed by STEAG GmbH) using Python. In the near future I want further develop and/or automate the following methodologies: water-costing methods, exergy-based analyses of dynamic/transient simulations, methodology to account for social externalities related to social impacts in the monetary cost of energy systems. Finally, I plan to develop tools to dynamically interconnect the sectors of energy, water and waste for increased flexibility and decreased waste streams (circular economy).